As Madness Slowly Descends

As a little project (of torture), I am going to begin writing a ‘diary based’ collection of blogs entitled ‘As Madness Slowly Descends’

Wish me luck 🙂

2 Responses to “As Madness Slowly Descends”

  1. Funny how that happens, I have just decided to start up a little project too.
    I have just set it up (it’s a website) and decided to take a break both on this little project I’m doing, and the hiatus of your blog. And I think you only like Karen Gillard (I hope I got it right!) because she is red-headed, that is to say, ranga. Although Matt Smith seems pretty hot 😉
    So uh, good luck with your little project of um, torture, and I’ll get on with my project and my general schoolLife (hey now, here’s a clue for you!) , with the killer objects and my sky-rocketing clumsiness. 🙂

  2. Hey bt,
    man i must say good job on the hole website thing, but you have WAY TOO MUCH TIME ON YOUR HANDS

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