Archive for the Uncategorized Category

Confusion says wah?

Posted in Uncategorized on January 18, 2010 by luke8bt

This post shall be revolutionary for any man that knows me (and girl)

history repeats hopefully but wrongly

another hotel room trashed liked a heaven of a mind

if i didn’t jump high enough i wouldn’t even like you


Oh, Why?

Posted in Uncategorized on December 13, 2009 by luke8bt

As i muttered feeling weary, Pained of sorrow last not fearing, i find myself ask? Drop the Ball?

My god, It’s dusty here. I was only gone for a century.

What has triggered my depraved return?

That, I cannot say.

I have Dexter. Now i wonder whether i should love him or drown him. A choice which is far to ironic. For i believe i’m not the only one wondering of that once choice?

And now for something positive: Piano no longer gets the girls~

As Madness Slowly Descends: Press release

Posted in Uncategorized on August 5, 2009 by luke8bt

as madness descends
I’m just confirming that ‘little project’.

‘As Madness Slowly Descends’ is an original internet play created by Luke Beattie. It tells the story of an average child who slowly goes insane.

Above is the confirmed Title Screen for the program.

As Madness Slowly Descends

Posted in Uncategorized on August 3, 2009 by luke8bt

As a little project (of torture), I am going to begin writing a ‘diary based’ collection of blogs entitled ‘As Madness Slowly Descends’

Wish me luck 🙂

Well How Could I?

Posted in Uncategorized on July 26, 2009 by luke8bt

Yes, yes I know.
Although ‘Confessions of a Red-Headed Boy’ was able to completely and utterly ignore the death of Michael Jackson, there is one thing though that ‘Confessions of a Red-Headed Boy’ can not ignore and that is…

*Drum Roll*

The Eleventh Doctor

Now I know that Matt Smith being cast as the ’11th Doctor’ is old news as well as Karen Gillan being cast as ‘Amy Pond’, recently photos of filming have been released. Now when i first saw them i was a bit confused, expecting the 11th Doctor’s suit to of been released with a bit of publicity, but there was none.

Now at first i was a tiny bit disappointed, considering how everyone was saying that series 5 is going to be much darker so i was suspecting something along these lines…
Matt Smith Dark Like
So i was surprised when i got this…
real matt smith costume
But of course, it isn’t bad it’s just a different take that’s all.
Tardis with Soldiers
Now on to Karen Gillan, hhmmmm I am quite pleased to be honest.
She wears converse (Which is cool, obviously)
She is gorgeous (which is always a plus)
Karen Gillian
And they look like a good team.
Karen Gillian Matt Smith
Now uh… i don’t want to turn into a site like Life, Doctor Who and Combom or Blogtor Who so consider this like a review of what we have been given.:) (theres a smiley for reassurance).
Matt Smith
Now the next thing i would like to comment on is ‘The Sonic Screwdriver’
Sonic Showing off
Now it sure is interesting and although we all have grown to love the simplicity of 9th and 10th’s sonic screwdriver i’m sure we will love this one to.
dr who set
(At least it is bigger than ‘The Master’s Laser Screwdriver’)
dr who set
Now what hhmmm?
How about The Doctor himself, not his costume.
Matt Smith Karen Gillan
So he looks cool and really good + we’re going to get an athletic doctor obviously, here’s a picture of him vaulting…
What else? Oh! I know!
ok, so doesn’t it seem like Steven Moffat is keeping his ‘word’? i mean think about it?
1. Taken from ‘Silence in the Library’ the doctor’s sonic has changed well here we go…
Matt Smith
2. The whole Professor River Song thing, well here you go…
Matt Smith Alex Kingston
3. Remember when River Song says “OK, shall we do diaries, then? Where are we this time? Uh, going by your face, I’d say its early days for you. Yes? So, um… (she flips pages in the book) Crash of the Byzantium, have we done that yet?”
Well here you go…

So yeah, have fun, oh and here’s the rest of the pictures.
s5-filming20 (1)
dr who set

When Insanity Catches Us All

Posted in Uncategorized on July 22, 2009 by luke8bt

Hmmm, to say i suffer from insanity would be quite a wrong remark, for i don’t suffer, i enjoy every minute of it!

Now to say ‘That man is a mad-man’. Would be quite a stupid remark for we are all mad-men. For a sane person is person who keeps their insane mind under lock and key. And if you ask me a mad-man should never be kept under lock and key.

It was just a thought…. that struck me, i’ll stop bothering you with my stupid antics.

Conformity… WHY?

Posted in Uncategorized on July 22, 2009 by luke8bt

A good friend of mine has made a ‘Video’ so i just thought i would tell you about it here so you can all go see it 🙂

And if you haven’t work it out yet, the video is above.

I Had a Thought!

Posted in Uncategorized on July 7, 2009 by luke8bt


When will it end?

When will thoust mind dry up?


These last few days a few thoughts have crept into my mind.
This is a list of the things i thought….

-If i were to clone a female copy of myself and than have sex with it will it count as incest or a high level of masturbation?

-How lonely must i be?

– Where has time gotten up to? We used to be such good friends time and I. He used to always stop and wait for me to catch up but now he always seems to be gone…

Another note is that I wrote a script today and had the delightful pleasure of writing *Gurgles in a questionable manner*

Me a sesquipedalian? Part 2

Posted in Uncategorized on July 4, 2009 by luke8bt


Now to take away a mans words would be an act of deanthropomorphisation. But they can never be taken away for words dwell in sound, feel, thoughts and sight. So you would think that the only way to relinquish a mans words would be to kill him, but the death of a man would do nothing for his words would be remembered. Now knowing myself, words are what coordinate me, so if i was to find myself speechless than i would most certainly find myself experiencing abasia.

Now when discussing William Shakespeare you will often find yourself in an agonistic position, but something that can not be argued is that Shakespeare was the acrospire when it came to brilliant words (not to say the spawning of brilliant words wasn’t accaulescent). Now, when reading William Shakespeare you will find that it would appear that his works had a language of their own, this being because William Shakespeare loved words so much that he invented a few. Not only that but he was so good at putting words together that he invented a couple of well used phrases.


Now another person to be commended for his brilliancy shown through words was of course Dr. Seuss. Although he didn’t reach for the longest word in the bag he did love putting words together, in fact he would play with words all day.


Now finally another great composer of words is Lemony Snicket. If his books do not educate thoust and broaden thoust vocabulary than allow me to say you sir are an idiot. His clever lines and words are amazing dark and clever.


Now are you a logophile, are you verbose, or are you just an sesquipedalianist? No matter what I hope you heed my words and listen. When you come onto my blog tomorrow or next month or even in 3 years and see ‘Me a sesquipedalian Part 3’, Do Not Read It! For it is one thing to read long words, but to know there meanings is another thing.

The Composer… Is Dead!

Posted in Uncategorized on July 3, 2009 by luke8bt

The Composer…. is dead!

There goes that beautiful chord that you hear whenever you hear the word Dead.

The Composer is Dead is a beautiful amazingly clever book written by Lemony Snicket. And if you don’t listen/read/watch it than allow me to ensure you that I will kill you.

Igor Stravinsky

Posted in Uncategorized on June 17, 2009 by luke8bt


Could it Be? The long awaited sequal which we have waited for, for so long? NO.

It appears i have been sick! Yes, yes i told Pandora not to open the box but oh no!

Anyway I’m just writing this to acknowledge the birthday of Igor Stravinsky (17-Jun-1882  to 6-apr-1971)

Coming Soon…

Posted in Uncategorized on June 12, 2009 by luke8bt


Just for those eager people, the 2nd half of Me a sesquipedalian! will be coming soon 🙂

I Hate Pears T-shirts

Posted in Uncategorized on June 9, 2009 by luke8bt


Always wanted a “I Hate Pears” T-Shirt, well look no furthur…

Charles Dickens

Posted in Uncategorized on June 9, 2009 by luke8bt


This little post is just to acknowledge the death of a great writer ‘Charles Dickens’.

Today is the day he died (9 June 1870)

Me a sesquipedalian? Part 1

Posted in Uncategorized on June 8, 2009 by luke8bt


Me a sesquipedalian? Well who am i kidding, i admit that i may suffer from hippopotomonstrosesquipedalianism. But how can you not!

Now being a word-lover, i’ve always wanted to be diagnosed with pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis but to my dismay i’ve never come across a volcano, funny there are some people who see volcano’s on there way to work but I? No.

Now if you haven’t realised, this little blog is going to be about words so of course hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian is going to be something very hard to advoid. Now when some people hear about expanding your vocabulary to as great lengths as i they usually label such a thing with floccinaucinihilipilification but words are the best weapons in the world, you can expose someone inch by inch through literature, you could out smart someone, or just merely get your point across in a much clearer way.

Now to start us of how about some words of wisdom, if you are looking for a way to enhance your vocabulary than look no furthur than:

– The Dictionary (obviously)

– The Gilded Tongue

– Mrs. Byrne’s Dictionary of Unusual, Obscure and Preposterous Words

– The works of Shakespeare

– My Blog

– The Internet


Now we have that out of the way, lets look at word lovers who linger in history, so of course there is the great James Joyce. He was a lovely man (although i never met him). He was so brilliant that he described the sound of glass shattering with the word klikaklakkaklaskaklopatzklatschabattacreepycrottygraddahsemmishsamminouithappluddyaappladdypkonpkot.

Now here i need to stop and give you a great warning, from here on it does not get easier, the words are going to get longer and longer. I do not suffer from ultracrepidarianism so this warning should not be taken lightly… Lets Begin.


Posted in Uncategorized on June 6, 2009 by luke8bt


…Oh, Hello i didn’t see you there. Never mind for i have a few things to say, i would put them in dot form except no one reads dot forms. So, i am so sorry i haven’t been writing on my blog for so long but i have a good reason for those very actions, you see i was busy being out of my mind.

So alot of things have happened in the last few days and just my luck all those things seemed to involve me.

For instance i just recently found myself in a state of honorificabilitudinitatibus. Yes, the very sort. For i found myself honoured to be referred as ‘friend’ by Murray Gold.

Another thing was i became acquainted with ‘black tea’. I just bet you are dieing to know the verdict, will guess what YOU SHALL NEVER KNOW.

Oh and just one more thing, I cackle.

Further Exploration (More Dwelling)

Posted in Uncategorized on June 2, 2009 by luke8bt


Ah yes, Humans they always seem to see patterns that aren’t there, but if there is one thing humans can do better then any other creature, microbe or mentally existing voice, it’s ‘exploring’.

Doors have always appealed to us, and I don’t just mean those handy doors that keep people out, no… but doors into people.

We have always found it so hard to ignore a door no matter how dull and unimportant it is.

Oh and yes, the forbidden word was DWELL


Posted in Uncategorized on June 1, 2009 by luke8bt


Today was…agathokakological.

It appeared good things would happen to me today but out of them bad things would follow, I am SO GLAD good and bad have become best friends, I always knew they would make a good couple.

So the goal for this post is to not use the forbidden word, how i despise the forbidden word, yet how i use it so often, in fact… I have used it in every post so far EXCEPT THIS ONE!!!

I Hate Pears

Posted in Uncategorized on June 1, 2009 by luke8bt


I hate to start on a bad note but as i was dwelling through my thoughts looking for one that was the slightest intellectualistic, a bizarre and surprising thought popped up, I hate pears.

Now hate is such a violent misused word, in fact if it was more than 3 syllable’s then the word ‘despise’ would be used more. Now to say that pears are the worst fruit in the world is to say that Shakespeare was a homosexual, it is mere speculation, but in this case the reason of the speculation is not to ruin something which seems to be to good to be true, for I believe there is nothing good about pears.

Now the reason why I hate them so is not because I dislike their taste, (although i do) but because whenever something bad has happened or at the very least quite commonly whenever something bad happens I appear to be offered a pear.

The fact that i am offered such a fruit makes me believe that my pain is underestimated which makes me feel upset and cheated, now if you truly have bothered to read right through this then i suggest you do the following things…

-Stop                                                                                                                                                     -Eat a pear.

Hello world!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags on May 31, 2009 by luke8bt

blog 1

Why isn’t it lovely out here! I’ve been busy dwelling in my own mind for far to long and have found this lovely place called Earth, i believe i shall stay here for at the very least a while.

So where to start? My number has always been 8 so i’m glad my girlfriend (yes i’m not that much of a geek) has changed her number from being 4 to 9.

Um… Oh and i just finished watching Doctor Who Planet of the Dead on the actual Tellivision, it’s no hulaciadren but it’ll do.