Well How Could I?

Yes, yes I know.
Although ‘Confessions of a Red-Headed Boy’ was able to completely and utterly ignore the death of Michael Jackson, there is one thing though that ‘Confessions of a Red-Headed Boy’ can not ignore and that is…

*Drum Roll*

The Eleventh Doctor

Now I know that Matt Smith being cast as the ’11th Doctor’ is old news as well as Karen Gillan being cast as ‘Amy Pond’, recently photos of filming have been released. Now when i first saw them i was a bit confused, expecting the 11th Doctor’s suit to of been released with a bit of publicity, but there was none.

Now at first i was a tiny bit disappointed, considering how everyone was saying that series 5 is going to be much darker so i was suspecting something along these lines…
Matt Smith Dark Like
So i was surprised when i got this…
real matt smith costume
But of course, it isn’t bad it’s just a different take that’s all.
Tardis with Soldiers
Now on to Karen Gillan, hhmmmm I am quite pleased to be honest.
She wears converse (Which is cool, obviously)
She is gorgeous (which is always a plus)
Karen Gillian
And they look like a good team.
Karen Gillian Matt Smith
Now uh… i don’t want to turn into a site like Life, Doctor Who and Combom or Blogtor Who so consider this like a review of what we have been given.:) (theres a smiley for reassurance).
Matt Smith
Now the next thing i would like to comment on is ‘The Sonic Screwdriver’
Sonic Showing off
Now it sure is interesting and although we all have grown to love the simplicity of 9th and 10th’s sonic screwdriver i’m sure we will love this one to.
dr who set
(At least it is bigger than ‘The Master’s Laser Screwdriver’)
dr who set
Now what hhmmm?
How about The Doctor himself, not his costume.
Matt Smith Karen Gillan
So he looks cool and really good + we’re going to get an athletic doctor obviously, here’s a picture of him vaulting…
What else? Oh! I know!
ok, so doesn’t it seem like Steven Moffat is keeping his ‘word’? i mean think about it?
1. Taken from ‘Silence in the Library’ the doctor’s sonic has changed well here we go…
Matt Smith
2. The whole Professor River Song thing, well here you go…
Matt Smith Alex Kingston
3. Remember when River Song says “OK, shall we do diaries, then? Where are we this time? Uh, going by your face, I’d say its early days for you. Yes? So, um… (she flips pages in the book) Crash of the Byzantium, have we done that yet?”
Well here you go…

So yeah, have fun, oh and here’s the rest of the pictures.
s5-filming20 (1)
dr who set

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